Synergies in Integrated Systems


The following are a collection of videos related to the SENSE project. In these videos, farmers (commercial farms) and farm managers (experimental stations) not only describe the charactersitics of our case studies in Europe and South America and the ongoing activities but they also share their experiences and interestes in the topic of circularity in integrated systems. 

Fazenda Gravataí

Sustainable integrated systems (AR1) 2of 2

Farm Bruhn (DE3)

Farm Antonihof (DE2)

Farm Aselmann (DE4)

Hof Sonnenwald (DE1)

Introduction to Glensaugh Research farm

Sustainable integrated systems (AR1)

Fazenda Invernada (BR)

De Regte Heijden (NL1)

Boer-In-Natuur (NL2)

Mi capricho farm (UY1)